Roslyn Winterfest
10 Dec 2010 Leave a Comment
in Events Tags: Riendeer, Santa, Winterfest
This Thanksgiving weekend, the weather brought just the right amount of Winter to Winterfest. Beneath a festive blanket of snow, the town of Roslyn celebrated the holidays with Santa and his reindeer, local artists, and dogs dressed to pull Santa’s sleigh. Friday night’s Art Walk was followed by a visit from Santa and his reindeer on Saturday morning. In the early afternoon, residence paraded their pooches in full reindeer attire to celebrate the dog days of Winter. Many knocked items off of their Christmas shopping lists at the holiday bizarre that featured candles, soaps, knitted wears, baked goods, and more. Even the Cle Elum Chimp Sactuary was representing. Of course, fire pits were available to warm those who just wanted to enjoy the festivities and converse along side a crackling fire.